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Q²M PurifyMaintain

Q²M Purify Maintain
Anti-bacterial maintenance spray

Utilizing the same technology as Q² Purify Coat, Q²M Purify Maintain is designed to help upkeep the anti-bacterial effect of the coating. It prolongs its durability, but has also anti-bacterial properties itself. Use it as a daily interior detailer or to maintain your coating. It will remove light dust and grime while leaving surface protection for 3 up to even 6 months.

Spray on & Wipe off
Protecting your interior has bever been that simple.
Q²M Purify Maintain is as easy to use as our Q²M InteriorDetailer. A simple spray on your favorite Q²M InteriorWipe allows you to protect the most contact point of your surrounding in seconds and for several weeks.

Make your environment the safest
With the Purify line, anti-bacterial growth and bio-hazard nuisances can be controlled effectively, without any negative impact on your health and surroundings, thanks to its 100% natural ingredients formulation.

Moreover, its application is not limited to your vehicle interior - it can also be used as an effective solution in your home, office, business and much more.

Unique technology used for the first time in the automotive industry brings a new standard in anti-bacterial surface protection and creates an entirely new product group which can extend the portfolio of detailing studios or car washes. This is what Purify is all about.


Best practice and pro-tips from Yves Heylen

As you know, Q²M Purify Maintain can be used as a maintenance spray for Q² Purify Coat, but also as a stand alone product.
I like to use it after my monthly interior deep cleaning using dedicated surface cleaner. Two sprays on my favorite Q²M InteriorWipe is more than enough to ensure proper coverage on my dash for example. No streaks, no stickiness, a pure, clean and protected surface.


Regular price ₱1,300.00
Sale price ₱1,300.00
Q²M PurifyMaintain

Q²M PurifyMaintain

Regular price ₱1,300.00
Sale price ₱1,300.00